Those with the shortest learning curve and fastest decision making win. We help you to find clarity in constant change, chaos and uncertainty – navigating toward your vision. Helping to identify sources of stress and develop strategies to manage it effectively, leading to increased resilience and better overall mental health. Smart sounding board for your ideas and helping you to identify opportunities, blind spots or potential pitfalls in the decision-making process, creating more positive outcomes. Accountability and unwavering support built around your uniqueness. Helping you to level up moving through anything life brings your way. To achieve desired results.Transforming your work and life
Navigate uncertainty
Overwhelm to clarity
Make better decisions
Get results
How it works

1. Choose your coach
Book first 30 minute intro session for free, for assuring best match for you.

2. Get a plan
We help to define where you are now, what is future potential and how to get there. Helping you to set focus with the biggest impact for you.

3. Set your habits
Choose coaching habit time preferences fitting your lifestyle and busy schedule. 1 h per month deepdive + weekly/bi-weekly check ins to support your progress.

4. Get coached on your time
Benefit from regular online coaching sessions to follow your growth plan or solve anything life brings your way.

5. Grow with AI insights
Science & AI put to work for your success. Deep analysis on what was spoken in the session gives you insights for the progress to your current situation. At your mailbox after every coaching session. For your strongest results.

6. Stay consistent to reach your goals
Overnight success is created with long-term postive habits put to work supporting your goals. Showing up for yourself, until goals achieved, is supported throughout your Wundamental program.
Helping you to level up with science based AI insights after your every session
Instant session summaries
Key takeaways
Key challenges
Resolution path
Opportunity analysis
Alternative view analysis
- Instant session summaries
- Key takeaways
- Key challenges
- Resolution path
- Opportunity analysis
- Alternative view analysis
9,2 out of 10 Wundamental users recommend it to their friend or colleague
"Main benefit for me was the clarity in thinking about the goals and steps to achieve them"
Teet Parring
Head of Developement Operation @ Luminor Bank
"It is like having a mirror that shines a light on my blind spots, which forces me to re-think my ideas and positions in a positive way"
Marcus Kallavus
Head of Revenue @Messente
"Achieved quite big understandings and possibility to look behind them (with help of AI insights)."
Triin Tõnsing
Head of HR @ Ellex Raidla Law
"lt helped me to open up and face the areas from which I had been hiding for a long time"
Wundamental user
Unit Manager @ Regional Bank
"It is like talking to a person who is genuinely engaged with helping you be better. Wundamental gives you an opportunity to grow as a professional and individual"
Uku Tomikas
CEO @ Messente
"The weekly meetings are short (which saves time), but focused on action, results, and accountability, which is exactly what I need as a CEO"
Tuuli Semevsky
Founder & CEO @ Keelestuudio
"Very positive experience. Helped me figure out some difficult topics. I felt my coach created a safe space for me to open up and trust her"
Wundamental user
Team Lead @ Tech Start-up
"The biggest benefit for me is the clarity I have gained"
Eva-Maria Merjel
People Experience Lead at Yolo Group
The Future You
is thanking you for starting now
349 €
per person / per month
Minimum commitment of 3 months (total paid upfront)
✔️ Personal growth plan
✔️ Regular one-on-one coachings to move towards your goals
– Deepdive: 1 x 1 h session per month
– Build progress: choose extra 3x 15 min, 2×30 min or 1x1h check ins per month
✔️ AI insights after each session
*VAT charges might apply as per the billing address